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Segger Command Line Interface

This section will simulate typing the segger --help command output.

segger --help
Usage: segger [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ create_dataset Create a dataset for spatial transcriptomics │
│ train Train the model using the prepared dataset │
│ predict Run predictions using a trained model │

1. Creating a Dataset

The create_dataset command helps you build a dataset for spatial transcriptomics. Here’s a breakdown of the options available:

// Example: Create a dataset for spatial transcriptomics
python create_dataset create_dataset \
--dataset_dir /path/to/dataset \
--data_dir /path/to/save/processed_data \
--sample_tag sample_name \
--transcripts_file transcripts.parquet \
--boundaries_file nucleus_boundaries.parquet \
--x_size 300 \
--y_size 300 \
--d_x 280 \
--d_y 280 \
--margin_x 10 \
--margin_y 10 \
--r_tx 5 \
--k_tx 5 \
--val_prob 0.1 \
--test_prob 0.2 \
--neg_sampling_ratio 5 \
--sampling_rate 1 \
--workers 4 \


Parameter Description Default Value
dataset_type Specifies the type of dataset (e.g., xenium, merscope). xenium
dataset_dir Path to the directory where raw data is stored. None
sample_tag Tag to identify the dataset, useful for version control. None
transcripts_file File path to the transcript data in Parquet format. None
boundaries_file File path to the nucleus or cell boundaries data in Parquet format. None
data_dir Directory to store processed datasets (used during model training). None
x_size, y_size Size of the tiles in the x and y directions. 300
d_x, d_y Step size in the x and y directions for overlapping tiles. 280
margin_x, margin_y Additional margins added to each tile in the x and y directions. 10
r_tx Radius for computing the neighborhood graph for transcripts. 5
k_tx Number of nearest neighbors for the neighborhood graph. 5
val_prob Proportion of the dataset used for validation. 0.1
test_prob Proportion of the dataset used for testing. 0.2
compute_labels Flag to enable or disable the computation of labels for segmentation. True
neg_sampling_ratio Approximate ratio for negative sampling. 5
sampling_rate Proportion of the dataset to sample (useful for large datasets). 1 (no sampling)
workers Number of CPU cores to use for parallel processing. 1
gpu Whether to use a GPU for processing. False

Key Updates:

  • Bounding box options (x_min, y_min, etc.) were removed.
  • x_size, y_size now refer to tile sizes, not bounding boxes.
  • MerscopeSample is added as a supported dataset type alongside XeniumSample.
  • r_tx and k_tx refer to parameters for computing neighborhood graphs.
  • neg_sampling_ratio is included for negative sampling.

Customizing Your Dataset

  • dataset_type: Defines the type of spatial transcriptomics data.
  • x_size, y_size: Bounding box dimensions are important for memory efficiency.
  • val_prob, test_prob: Adjust these probabilities based on the need for model validation and testing.

Faster Dataset Creation

You can reduce the sampling_rate to process only a subset of your dataset, which is useful for large datasets.

2. Training a Model

The train command initializes and trains a model using the dataset created. Here are the key parameters:

// Example: Train the model using SLURMsegger train slurm \ --data_dir data_tidy/pyg_datasets \ --batch_size_train 32 \ --batch_size_val 16 \ --init_emb 128 \ --hidden_channels 256 \ --out_channels 3 \ --heads 8 \ --aggr mean \ --accelerator gpu \ --strategy ddp \ --precision 16 \ --devices 4 \ --epochs 100 \ --model_dir /path/to/save/model/checkpoints


Parameter Description Default Value
data_dir Directory containing the dataset to be used for training. None
batch_size_train Number of samples to process per training batch. 32
batch_size_val Number of samples to process per validation batch. 16
init_emb Size of the initial embedding for the input data. 128
hidden_channels Number of hidden units in each layer of the neural network. 256
out_channels Number of output channels. 3
heads Number of attention heads used in graph attention layers. 8
aggr Aggregation method for attention layers (e.g., mean, sum). mean
accelerator Device used for training (e.g., gpu or cpu). gpu
strategy Strategy for distributed training (e.g., ddp for Distributed Data Parallel). ddp
precision Floating-point precision for training (e.g., 16 for FP16). 16
devices Number of devices (GPUs or CPUs) to use during training. 4
epochs Number of training epochs. 100
model_dir Directory to save model checkpoints. None

Adjusting for Your Hardware

  • batch_size_train: For larger datasets, you might need to decrease this value based on your GPU memory.
  • epochs: Increasing the number of epochs can lead to better model performance but will take longer to train.

Ensure Correct GPU Setup

Before using the --accelerator gpu flag, make sure your system supports GPU computation and that CUDA is properly installed.

3. Making Predictions

After training the model, use the predict command to make predictions on new data.

// Example: Make predictions using a trained modelsegger predict \ --dataset_path /path/to/new/dataset \ --checkpoint_path /path/to/saved/checkpoint \ --output_path /path/to/save/predictions.csv \ --batch_size 16 \ --workers 4 \ --score_cut 0.5 \ --use_cc true


Parameter Description Default Value
dataset_path Path to the dataset for which predictions will be made. None
checkpoint_path Path to the saved model checkpoint from training. None
output_path File where the predictions will be saved. None
batch_size Number of samples processed simultaneously during prediction. 16
workers Number of CPU cores used for parallel processing during prediction. 4
score_cut Cutoff threshold for confidence scores in predictions. 0.5
use_cc Enable connected component analysis to refine predictions. true

Improve Prediction Efficiency

  • batch_size: Adjust this based on the size of the dataset and available GPU memory.
  • use_cc: Enabling connected component analysis can improve the accuracy of transcript assignments


4. Utility Commands and Reports

Segger includes utility commands for checking dataset and model setup as well as generating reports.

// Example: Check dataset and model setupsegger check \ --dataset_dir data_raw/xenium \ --model_dir /path/to/model/checkpoints
// Example: Generate a report
segger report \ --dataset_path /path/to/dataset \ --output_path /path/to/report.html

Parameters for check

Parameter Description
dataset_dir Path to the raw dataset.
model_dir Path to the directory where model checkpoints are saved.

Parameters for report

Parameter Description
dataset_path Path to the dataset for which the report will be generated.
output_path Path where the HTML report will be saved.

Utility Commands

  • Use check to verify that your dataset and model are correctly set up.
  • The report command provides a detailed HTML output of your model's performance.