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Segger Installation Guide

Select the appropriate installation method based on your requirements.

micromamba create -n segger-rapids --channel-priority 1 \
  -c rapidsai -c conda-forge -c nvidia -c pytorch -c pyg \
  rapids=24.08 python=3.* 'cuda-version>=11.4,<=11.8' jupyterlab \
  'pytorch=*=*cuda*' 'pyg=*=*cu118' pyg-lib pytorch-sparse
micromamba install -n segger-rapids --channel-priority 1 --file mamba_environment.yml
micromamba run -n segger-rapids pip install --no-deps ./
conda create -n segger-env python=3.10
conda activate segger-env
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.7 -c pytorch
conda install pyg -c pyg
pip install .
git clone
cd segger_dev
pip install .
pip install -e ".[cuda11]"
pip install -e ".[cuda12]"
pip install "segger[cuda11,rapids11,cupy11,faiss]"
pip install "segger[cuda12,rapids12,cupy12,faiss]"

Common Installation Issues

  • Python Version: Ensure you are using Python >= 3.10. Check your version with:

    python --version
    If necessary, upgrade to the correct version.

  • CUDA Compatibility (GPU): For GPU installations, ensure the correct CUDA drivers are installed. Verify your setup with:

    Ensure your CUDA version is compatible with the package.

  • Permissions: If you encounter permission errors, use the --user flag to install without admin rights:

    pip install --user .